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  • What size is a couple album?
    11x8 or 10x10
  • How many pages are in a couple album?
    A standard couple album has 40 pages
  • How much does a couple album cost?
    A standard couple album is $450
  • How many pictures can I include in my couple album?
    You can include 85 photos in your couple album
  • What size is a parent album?
  • How many pages are in a parent album?
    A standard parent album has 30 pages
  • How much does a parent album cost?
    A standard parent album is $295
  • How many pictures can I include in my parent album?
    You can include 60 photos in your parent album
  • How do I send the pictures to ensure that they remain the highest quality?
    The easiest way is to share your high-resolution photos via google drive or google photos album. Contact me for other options
  • Do I get to suggest any edits or changes?
    Yes, at the beginning you can suggest anything and at the end you will review the album
  • What are the optional upgrades?
    Upgrades include: foil and debossed cover text, gilded page edges, two types of album boxes
  • What is foil and debossing?
    Debossing is imprinted text. Foil refers to the color of the imprint
  • What is gilding?
    Gilding is a page finish that comes in three colors: black, gold, and silver
  • How do I choose which pictures to include?
    Click here for a guide to selecting pictures for a couple album
  • Can you make an album from our recent simcha?
    We have you covered! Order a high quality photobook to display your bris/ bar mitzvah/ vort memories. Your recent vacation, camp experience, or year-in-review will last beautifully in a photobook as well. See pricing page for information
  • Can you photoshop pictures/add in chosson and kallah?
    I don’t edit pictures; I can refer you to someone who does.
  • Can I see samples?
    You can view sample pages from wedding albums here
  • Can you make an album from our recent simcha?
    We have you covered! Send the photos from your simcha -- bris/ bar mitzvah/ vort to be preserved in a high quality photobook. Camp memories, vacation, or year-in-review will last beautifully in a photobook as well. See pricing page for more information
  • Why don't I just create my own photobook on Snapfish?
    This is a two-part answer 1. Take the stress off your head; save time by having it all done for you! 2. Our photobooks are crafted with 0.5 mm professional photo paper with a lustre finish. Choose from a variety of cover materials for your photobook
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